Kabod Lounge

Kabod Lounge is a monthly discussion forum covering various topics such as relationships, career, finance, business and parenting

Join us every third Friday of the month at 7pm. Please see what’s on for details on how to join. 

The Friendzone

Kabod Lounge: 16th of July 2021

You are said to be in someone’s friendzone if you have romantic interest in them but they see you as just a friend. At this Kabod Lounge we discussed issues relating to the friendzone. This includes; who gets “stuck in the friendzone”, why people get stuck in the friendzone, how to avoid being stuck in the friendzone and much more. You can watch the video here. 

Faith and Plan B

Kabod Lounge: 20th of August 2021

What does faith mean? Does faith preclude having a plan B? Why do people have a plan B even though they believe God is able to do what they are asking for? These are some of the issues discussed at this edition of Kabod Lounge. 


Supporting Young People in Education

Kabod Lounge: 17th of September 2021

Here we discussed how parents/carers/older people can support younger ones in their education. We covered various questions, such as, what are the most significant changes in transitioning from primary to secondary/ year 11 to A levels? What questions should parents as teachers during parents evenings? How do you select subjects for GCSE/A-Levels? 


“For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11